Archive | March, 2011

Karl Grossman writes for Common Dreams

Nuclear Disaster and Obama’s Disastrous Response

President Barack Obama’s support this week for the construction of more nuclear power plants in the United States, amid the ongoing nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, must be considered—against stiff competition—as one of the most wrong-headed and irrational positions ever taken by a U.S. president.

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Karl Grossman Blogs About Media Coverage of the Nuclear Disaster in Japan

With The New York Times seeking to lead the media in minimizing, indeed denying, the impacts of the nuclear disaster in Japan, I have put this up on my blog,  Tool of the Nuclear Establishment—The New York Times.

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Fairewinds Associates Fukushima Updates

This site,,  has a wealth of information about what has been happening in Fukushima and around the world as a result of the earthquake and meltdown at the Daiichi Nuclear power plant with insightful commentary by Arne Gunderson.

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Stephanie Cooke: Nuclear power is on trial

On March 19, 2011 Stephanie Cooke wrote and article for CNN entitled Nuclear Power Is On Trial

The Japan nuclear crisis has raised concern about U.S. quake risk. Cooke says next big accident is likely to come from other causes, such as human error. She says there’s a long history of nuclear plant mishaps. She says the risk of nuclear power is more serious than from other energy sources.

“For an energy source once touted as too cheap to meter, the true costs may be too great to fathom.”

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Karl Grossman’s Commentary on the Japanese Nuclear Emergency
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What Next for the WHO and IAEA? Chernobyl, 25 Years Later Weekend Edition March 4-6, 2011
What Next for the WHO and IAEA? Chernobyl, 25 Years Later


April 26, 2011 will mark the 25th Annivesary of the Chernobyl catastrophe, and for more than 50 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have abided by an agreement that in essence, covers each other’s back – sometimes at the expense of public health. It’s a delicate balance between cooperation and collusion.

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