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Nuclear Hotseat’s Chernobyl Anniversary Special

On April 23, 2013, Libby HaLevy conducted three special interviews with Alexei Yablokov, Dr. Janette Sherman, and Chernobyl survivor Bonnie Kouneva for her Nuclear Hotseat Podcast. They discussed the Legacy of Chernobyl and the implications to Fukushima and the future of the people of Japan.

  • Chernobyl survivor Bonnie Kouneva, who as a 16-year-old lived in Bulgaria, 800 miles away from the nuclear disaster… but it wasn’t far enough.
  • Dr. Alexei Yablokov, who compiled over 5,000 research papers in multiple languages for the book, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, as well as co-founding Greenpeace, Russia.
  • Dr. Janette Sherman, known for her work with Joseph Mangano on statistical studies indicating infant deaths and hypothyroidism in the US after Fukushima as well as editing the English translation of Alexei Yablokov’s  book.
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Devastation and Hope: Chernobyl at 27

Joseph J. Mangano and Dr. Janette D. Sherman, MD write for Counterpunch

The 27th anniversary of the catastrophic nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl reminds us of both a sad legacy and a positive impact on the future.

The bad news came first. Chernobyl stunned many with the first total core meltdown of a nuclear reactor. A massive amount of deadly radiation encircled the northern hemisphere, affecting three billion people, and entered human bodies through breathing and the food chain. Some of the 100-plus radioactive chemicals from Chernobyl last for hundreds and thousands of years.

How many did Chernobyl harm? Before scientific studies could be done, skeptics commonly used the number 31 – the number of rescue workers extinguishing toxic fires who absorbed a very high radiation dose and died in a matter of days.

Beginning just six years after the 1986 meltdown, medical journal articles began to show rising numbers of people with certain diseases near Chernobyl. The first of these was children with thyroid cancer. Officials at a 2005 meeting in Vienna estimated 9,000 persons worldwide had developed cancer from the meltdown. But many anecdotes and studies had piled up, suggesting the real number was much greater.

In 2009, the New York Academy of Sciences published a book by a trio of Russian researchers, headed by Alexei Yablokov; one of us (JDS) edited the book. Yablokov’s team gathered an incredible 5,000 reports and studies. Many were written in Slavic languages and had never been seen by the public. The book documented high levels of disease in many organs of the body, even beyond the former Soviet Union. The Yablokov team estimated 985,000 persons died worldwide, a number that has risen since.

Government and industry leaders in the nuclear field assured the world that the lesson of Chernobyl had been learned, and that another full core meltdown would never occur. But on March 11, 2011 came the tragedy at Fukushima, releasing enormous amounts of radioactivity from not just one, but three reactor cores, and a pool storing nuclear waste. Again, the radioactivity circled the globe. Estimates of eventual casualties are in the many thousands.

In an odd way, Fukushima triggered the positive impact of Chernobyl. The two disasters are a major reason why few new nuclear reactors are being built, and why existing units are now closing. All but two (2) of 50 Japanese reactors remain shut. Germany closed six (6) of its units permanently and its government pledged to close the others by 2022. Swiss officials made a similar vow.

In the U.S., most plans to build dozens of new reactors have been scrapped or postponed.  The nation’s first two reactor closings since 1998 occurred this year. More shut downs will follow, say nuclear executives who assert that nuclear power costs more to produce than power from natural gas or wind. Reactors cost more largely due to greater dangers that require more time for construction, more staff to operate, more security measures, more regulations to comply with, and huge amounts to secure after shut down.

If Chernobyl harmed many people, it may also eventually save many lives by speeding the shut down of reactors. Fewer meltdowns would mean fewer casualties. But ending routine releases of radioactivity into the environment would also reduce the count. Studies have found that in local areas after a reactor closing, fewer infants die, fewer children develop cancer, and eventually fewer adults develop cancer. Chernobyl left a tragic impact, but eventual outcomes will be positive ones.

Joseph J. Mangano MPH MBA is Executive Director of the Radiation and Public Health Project.

Janette D. Sherman MD is an internist and toxicologist, and editor of Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment.

Weekend Edition April 26-28, 2013

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Joe Mangano Speaks at Symposium

Global symposium to address mounting medical and ecological consequences
March 11-12 – New York Academy of Medicine

The Helen Caldicott Foundation and Physicians for Social Responsibility hosted a 2 day symposium at the New York Academy of Medicine to discuss the health and environmental consequences of the Fukushima Japan disaster, 2 years later. Joseph Mangano, executive director of Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), spoke about current research on newborn hypothyroidism, and the recent article published by Mangano and Dr. Janette Sherman in the Open Journal of Pediatrics. With data gathered from 41 of the 50 states (87% of U.S. births), the article shows that the increased incidence of newborn hypothyroidisim in the U.S., especially on the west coast where the Fukushima radioactive plume first hit, was significant. The peer reviewed article, “Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown” was published in March , 2013.

Listen to the moving talk on Fukushima, newborn hypothyroidism, and the corruption that can occur after nuclear meltdowns.

Video of the entire symposium can be found at:

For a full list of speakers and the press release visit:

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Progressive Radio Network Interview

Green Power and Wellness interview 3/25/13. Dr. Sherman and Joseph Mangano interviewed on


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Long-term Local Cancer Reductions Following Nuclear Plant Shutdown

Dr. Sherman and Joseph Mangano have written a new article about the health effects of closing nuclear reactors on the surrounding communities. They examine data that suggests incidence of cancer is reduced after plants close. It has been reported on by and Yahoo! News. You can find an abstract and downloadable PDF of the full article at:



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Fukushima’s Nuclear Casualties by Joseph Mangano on

Two Years Later, the Battle for Truth Continues

Exactly two years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, perhaps the most crucial issue to be addressed is how many people were harmed by radioactive emissions.

The full tally won’t be known for years, after many scientific studies. But some have rushed to judgment, proclaiming exposures were so small that there will be virtually no harm from Fukushima fallout. . . .

It is crucial that researchers don’t wait years before analyzing and presenting data, even though the amount of available information is still modest. To remain silent while allowing the “no harm” mantra to spread would repeat the experiences after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and allow perpetration of the myth that meltdowns are harmless. Researchers must be vigilant in pursuing an understanding of what Fukushima did to people – so that all-too-common meltdown will be a thing of the past.

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Joseph J. Mangano MPH MBA is Executive Director of the Radiation and Public Health Project.

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Fukushima: Two Years Later

Dr. Sherman writes for Counterpunch.

Over the last two years, questions arise as to whether the Fukushima nuclear disaster is worse than Chernobyl. Unless the principles of physics, chemistry and biology are cancelled, the effects that have been documented in the various populations exposed to the radioactive releases from Chernobyl will occur in those exposed to Fukushima releases. This is not new information – it has been known for decades.

Let’s consider “Science 101″ — Physics, Chemistry and Biology

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Fukushima Controversies that the Mainstream Media Ignores

The San Francisco Bay Guardian online newspaper discusses the list of censored stores complied by Project Censored. An article written by Dr. Sherman and Joseph Mangano is one of the issues included.

“The debate that followed the release of their study got into important issues of the health effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Both those defending and attacking the study, and the general principle of the health impacts of nuclear energy, had their say. But all this happened outside mainstream media, and in the wake of Fukushima, mainstream media has largely ignored health implications. That’s why the story was highlighted by Project Censored, which explores stories under reported by the mainstream media, in their book Censored 2013: Dispatched from the Media Revolution.”

Read the full article.

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Mad Science: the Nuclear Power Experiment

Dr. Sherman reviews Joseph Mangano’s new book Mad Science: the Nuclear Power Experiment for Counterpunch.

Nuclear Lies, Cover-Ups and Secrecy

Do Governments and Corporations lie, cover-up and maintain secrecy as they harm our planet and us?  Joe Mangano’s new book Mad Science – The Nuclear Power Experiment clearly lays it out that they have done so for more than half a century.

This book is a page-turner, filled with useful information that many of us don’t know or have forgot. His chapter “Tiny Atoms, Big Risks” explains the various forms of nuclear energy in terms that anyone can understand, and details the harm that has come to all life on our planet as a result of nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants.

Among the many nuclear catastrophes that Mangano chronicles—from Three Mile Island, the Nevada and Marshall Island nuclear bomb tests to Chernobyl and Fukushima—is the nuclear accident at the Santa Susana site in Ventura County, close to Los Angeles, CA. Santa Susana is one of the best-kept secrets in the history of nuclear power. The Santa Susana site had 10 sodium-cooled reactors the 1959 accident spewed radioactivity, tetralin—toxic naphthalene, and other chemicals into Simi Valley, the Pacific Ocean and eastward that are still detected over a half-century later.

Read the full review.

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Remembering Rosalie Bertell — A Celebration of Life

Saturday, September 29, 2012
7:00 pm
McClure Hall, Bloor Street United Church
300 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Welcoming Remarks and Introductions — Marion Odell, President, IICPH
Aboriginal Blessing — Anne Solomon, Ph.D.
Videotape of Rosalie Bertell’s speeches — Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg
Sr. Julia Lanigan, President, Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart (GNSH)
Rosalie Bertell and the Planetary Movement for Mother Earth — Claudia von Werlhof
Presentation of the Rosalie Bertell Awards
Memories of Rosalie — Audience (4 to 5 minutes per person)
Closing Remarks — Marion Odell

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